Coding Camp – Days 39 – 40

Started on our second, two-week project. We decided on doing an inventory system (SwiftInv) and have to pull all our studies together for this one: Javascript for Node, Express, Sequelize, Handlebars, MVC paradigm, and of course HTML and CSS.

Had to work for Peter for 9 hours today and was so beat that I did not do any work on the project. We meet again for tomorrow night’s class.

Coding Camp – Day 33

Moved on to Object Relational Mapping. Didn’t know what to expect here. We are getting to know all the oft-used tools of the trade:

– Sequelize is an abstraction layer through which a developer no longer has to write SQL statements! Very cool.
– Insomnia for getting/posting/putting/deleting through HTTP. So quick and visual.
– Heroku for deploying node.js apps. Look ma, no hosting!
– Express for creating servers and request/response actions and middleware.