Venezuelan Chronology: 2018 & 2024 Disputed Elections

While there has lately been some dissent over allegations of election fraud in the U.S., the 2018 and 2024 Venezuelan presidential elections were marred by irregularities and allegations of fraud to where the legitimacy of the Maduro government has been called into question by international bodies.

Venezuelan Chronology: 2014-Present Protests and Repression

Widespread protests against the Maduro government have been met with repression and violence. As mentioned earlier, dissent over radical economic reforms can lead to government crackdowns on democratic freedoms. National instability can follow. The Venezuelan government should have respected the right to peaceful protest and engaged in dialogue with the opposition to address the legitimate grievances of the people.

Venezuelan Chronology: 2014-Present Protests and Repression

Widespread protests against the Maduro government have been met with repression and violence. As mentioned earlier, dissent over radical economic reforms can lead to government crackdowns on democratic freedoms. National instability can follow.
The Venezuelan government should have respected the right to peaceful protest and engaged in dialogue with the opposition to address the legitimate grievances of the people.

Venezuelan Chronology: 2013 – Present Maduro Presidency and Crisis

The death of Chávez in 2013 and the subsequent election of Nicolás Maduro further exacerbated the crisis. Rather than a “new way forward,” Maduro’s government continued Chávez’s policies, leading to hyperinflation, economic collapse, and a humanitarian crisis.
The Venezuelan government could have implemented comprehensive economic reforms, including removing price controls and liberalizing the exchange rate. It could also have respected democratic institutions and engaged in dialogue with the opposition to find a peaceful solution to the economic crisis.

Venezuelan Chronology: 2000s Nationalization and Economic Mismanagement

At the turn of the century, Chávez’s government embarked on a series of nationalizations and price controls. The market was disrupted and private investment was discouraged. These policies, coupled with mismanagement and corruption, led to economic distortions and shortages of basic goods. The blame lies with the worst of socialist market interference.

The government should have adopted more market-friendly policies and focused on improving the business environment to attract investment and promote economic growth.

Venezuelan Chronology: 1999 New Constitution and Bolivarian Revolution

The adoption of a new constitution in 1999 and the launch of the Bolivarian Revolution further consolidated Chávez’s power and led to the implementation of policies that ultimately were proved unsustainable. Venezuelans voted for granting Chávez sweeping powers and a more balanced approach to economic and social reforms. But these policies contributed to the country’s economic decline.

Venezuelan Chronology: 1998 Election of Hugo Chávez

The election of Hugo Chávez marked a turning point in Venezuelan politics. Venezuelans were disillusioned with traditional political parties and were attracted to Chavez’s populist policies and anti-establishment rhetoric. But, importantly, economic policies have to be upheld by political ones. Chavez’s policies of increased government control over the economy led to the erosion of democratic institutions. The Venezuelan people could have been more critical of Chávez’s populist promises and supported candidates who offered more sustainable economic and political solutions.

Venezuelan Chronology: 1980s – 2000s Oil Bust and Economic Decline

The Venezuela of the 1980s saw the collapse of oil prices, exposing the vulnerability of Venezuela’s oil-dependent economy. Instead of implementing economic reforms to diversify the economy and reduce its reliance on oil, the government borrowed excessively and lacked fiscal discipline. Austerity measures led to social unrest and economic hardship, which continue to this day.

Venezuelan Chronology: 1970s Oil Boom and Nationalization

With the start of oil exploitation in the early 20th century, companies from the United States began establishing operations in Venezuela, bringing with them U.S. citizens. By the 1960s and 1970s, Venezuela was a comparatively prosperous country and gladly received millions of immigrants from Spain, Italy, Portugal, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and other European and South American countries. With the economic prosperity driven by the oil industry, Venezuela was a destination for both Americans and Europeans.

However, the nationalization of the oil industry in 1976, while initially leading to increased government revenue, also sowed the seeds for future economic problems. The focus of the government should have been on furthering good economic performance by diversifying the economy instead of relying solely on oil revenues. But with the good times came a failure to invest in the oil industry’s infrastructure and human capital to ensure its long-term viability.

Jewel of South America

The Venezuela that my aunt was from was a prosperous nation. But by 2017, the creeping, unconstrained far-left policies and decisions had led to the socialist hellscape described above.

The human catastrophe in Venezuela is unspeakable. Record hyperinflation, shortages of basic goods, unemployment, environmental destruction, high child mortality, malnutrition, disease, poverty, rampant crime, and political corruption. Since June 2024, mass emigration has created a refugee crisis of almost 8 million people fleeing the country for neighboring South American countries and the US. Credit reporting agencies declared Venezuela to be in default with its debt payments.

The rapidly deteriorating human rights situation has spread to the US southern border.

Dashing all hopes for reform, the results of this July’s elections were overturned by President Nicholas Maduro.

The key economic and political events that shaped the current crisis are a warning to the US, where the perennial promise of more handouts without long-term consequence rears its head every election season. In Venezuela, it was the incremental changes that slowly boiled the proverbial frog unaware of its doom.

Neo, not so Neo

There’s an interesting phenomenon that takes place in both progressive and more conservative or mainstream administrations. Anthony Blinken is typical of both types. Neo-liberal foreign policy has brought war to various parts of the globe.

This is true even for hope and change Barack Obama. I was impressed that Obama oversaw the raid that killed Bin Laden, but it just showed that no matter the government the neo-liberal officials kowtow to an aggressive foreign policy. The Trump administration may have decreased our involvement in wars. But if Trump is re-elected, all eyes will turn to the new admin’s direction.

Is the Trump foreign policy different? Not so sure. But I can still hope for a policy that will present an alternative to neo-liberal aggression.

Tech has used the passing lane

The human mind cannot handle it. Tech has been invented that has surpassed us, even though we made it. Even if it gets the upgrade from us, instead of developing it on its own, it will be an unexpected creation. If it can create that will be the end of our lives as we know it.

Kurzeil wrote that we are experiencing logarithmic growth in technology. I don’t think he even was aware of what is now alive.

What will we do when it moves past? I mean professionally. Will we have careers?

Humans will have so much time to create. But i don’t know if we will do anything other than watch videos and text. This end is not the beginning of something new.

These musings are questions. Who can hate your fellow man? It’s sad, but not yet fatalistic.

I found this girl to be lighthearted.

Being in bed with capitalists

I recently saw this piece on the CCP’s approval for Musk. Transhumanism aside, Musk also favors Beijing. His sometime conservative supporters, at the Babylon Bee, for instance, like to present him as a free speech advocate. Fine. But his hypocrisy is rank.

The tech industry has a history with ignoring China’s human rights abuses while getting their products or components made in China. “Team Humanity”? Complexity of the issue?

Money talks, values walk.


Saw Deadpool and Wolverine this weekend. I was hoping for more of a tie-in with the old movies, but it was really a cursing and violence bonanza. A young employee said it was his favorite movie.

So yet again, I feel old.

A lot of friends have children. Today I also learned that a friend of mine in his 50s is getting married. I quipped, “there is a God.”

I had a young man I met at church last year sometime who said incredulously, “you still want to have a relationship?” Youth is wasted on the young.

Where does resignation to your age begin?

Creeping, All-encompassing

The Engineers press forward to what they consider the future, creating a “new slate.” The past is not a problem; they will just rewrite it and point toward a future that they believe no one else has thought of.

They wield government to create executive orders, audits, investigations, penalties, fines, regulations, government healthcare, and to restrict the free market with wage and price controls.

When finally free speech becomes hate speech and the engineers take control of the family, education, and children’s lives, then we have crossed over the Rubicon.

Man sells himself for comfort.

The Deserts of Memory

Can memory be reset? It seems it’s easy. Change can happen faster if the past of your enemies is maligned and if your own past is forgotten.

Repeating what you want others to remember is an effective method in bringing about forgetting the bad, emphasizing a person’s good traits or successful actions. “I would never do that,” says the morally superior human. Forgetting his past, his opponents’ maligned, and he a new person.

Radicalism kills history, kills memory, kills examination. Because of pain, we don’t want to look back. But self-awareness is the only way the future can amend wrongs and errors.

Day 4

Apparently, you can have it both ways.

You can say you want to be uniters, while disparaging the opposition. You can revile your opponents and declare openness. You can claim “joy,” while exhibiting pure anger.

These are not happy warriors. Using stronger emotion to drive your politics and crushing dissent are the making of tyrants.